Universal Impact Technologies (UIT) offers four locations near you to serve your hydraulic hammer repair needs:

Hillsboro, TN  |  Jasper, GA  |  Haltom City, TX  |  Greensboro, NC

Universal Impact Technologies specializes in hammer/breaker repair and service. Our hammer/breaker repair technicians specialize in repairing all brands, makes, and models of hydraulic hammers, including Kent/FRD, Okada, Epiroc, Indeco, NPK, Soosan, and more.

Universal Impact Technologies handles all the logistics of pickup and delivery; we will make your hammer repair as easy as possible for you, the customer.

Hammer repair pricing is calculated on a flat rate labor schedule based on the size of the breaker plus any required parts. With a Universal Impact Technologies hammer repair, you will never have surprise or unexpected labor charges.


Repaired and Rebuilt Hyraulic Breaker

UIT’s hydraulic Hammer rebuild service will get you back to work quickly.

Universal Impact Technologies has designed the repair process to be effortless for you, the customer.

  1. Pickup Hammer
    • We will arrange for the hydraulic hammer to be picked up around your schedule.
  2. Full tear-down and inspection of all components
    • All breakers are entirely torn down, cleaned, and inspected so that we provide a complete and accurate analysis.
  3. Provide evaluation and cost estimates
    • A full report is provided with our evaluation; we will make recommendations on wear parts and remaining life as necessary.
  4. Repair the hammer to the factory specifications
    • Our trained technicians will repair the hydraulic hammer and confirm all adjustments are complete to OEM specifications.
  5. Complete testing of the hammer
    • Hammers are then sent to our Quality Control department, where they are thoroughly tested for performance; any leaks or other issues will be caught at this time.
  6. Ship it back to you or make it ready for pickup
    • Delivery will then be arranged with the customer

Universal Impact knows that downtime is money.  We strive to provide a prompt evaluation, cost estimate, and repair to get you operational quickly.

We will keep you informed throughout each stage of the repair process – intake, analysis, repair, and completion. We know that proper repair tracking is vital so that you can get back to work.

Universal Impact Technologies services and rebuilds hydraulic hammers from all major manufacturers.